6 Steps For Getting Clarity To Achieve Your Life’s Goals!

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When you don’t know exactly what you want, how will you know when you have it? That problem is precisely why it’s so important to gain an understanding of what you want in your life. Getting clarity to achieve your life’s goals is possible.

Getting clarity

Sometimes, you can find yourself feeling lost in life, drifting along. Maybe you have some clue about what you want to achieve, or maybe you feel completely aimless.

It’s crucial to figure out what you want to focus on since that’s the first step towards achieving it one day. You may be searching for clarity in relationships, your career, your health, or any number of life aspects. 

If you’re unsure how to find clarity, consider the key tips in this article. But first, let’s discuss why having a clear purpose is so important.

Why getting clarity in your life is so important

“If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.” Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings

While you might technically be able to shoot a crossbow while blindfolded and hit something, it’s hardly a recipe for safety. You could end up completely missing the mark.

Yet many of us approach our career goals, physical and mental wellness goals, relationship goals, and all other goals this way.

If you don’t have a clear target in mind, how will you aim to hit anything? As my ten-year-old begins learning archery, he’s finding out that a clear target is essential to success. Here are some of the reasons focus in your life is so important.

Clarity helps you know what you want

First of all, clarity often refers to a distinct vision of the future. If you just have a hazy picture in your mind of what you want to do in life, it can be next to impossible to end up in the right place.

Try to figure out some answers to the questions: What do I want to do? And who do I want to be?

Do you want to be a stay-at-home mother for a few years to soak up more time with your little ones? Or build a six-figure salary or business from scratch? Maybe you want to renovate a century-old farmhouse with nothing but YouTube and your bare hands.

Whatever your goals (obviously, you probably have many), deciding what you want is the first step toward achievement. It’s okay if you feel some confusion at first. Taking some time to identify your true passions and hopes is how you can find clarity.

It also helps you recognize what doesn’t matter 

It’s not only essential to know what you want but to know what you don’t want or what doesn’t matter. It’s all part of intentional living. 

When you find yourself drifting through your days without much to show for them, take some time to recognize what is and is not important. Think about the things you devote most of your time to—do they truly matter to you?

Oftentimes, we end up spending a lot of our time on things we don’t really care about. Maybe we sign up for too many committees at work or the kids’ school or we get pulled into a project that isn’t our passion.

While we can’t get out of all unpleasant tasks or things outside our comfort zone, we can be more mindful. Figure out what tasks are sucking your energy without any purpose, and try to delegate them or give them up completely.

6 Practical steps to achieve clarity

Essentially, getting clarity about who you are and what you truly want is about priorities. What matters most, and what can you let go of?

Since your time is limited, try these practical steps to bring understanding to your days and your life. This will also help you achieve your goals in life.

1. Create space to discover new ideas and goals

A great first step towards getting clarity is to simply make space for it. Sometimes, the most aimless times in our lives are when we get too busy to think or pause.

We all need some breathing room in our lives to help us discern what we’re getting right and what we can do better.

Try these tips to avoid going through the motions for weeks or months.

Instead, you can make time for getting clarity in your life.

Set aside regular time for reflection 

Maybe you’re the kind of person who’s always going full speed, and it’s hard to find focus that way. We all need to reflect on how things are going to figure out what needs to change.

You can try these ideas for “Wellness Wednesday,” like taking a rest day or turning off technology for a set period of time. Check out blogs and books that help you. 

If you’re a woman who thinks, “There’s no way I can just take a break,” then you need a break more than anyone!

Just start as small as you need to. Pick a regular weekly or daily time for reflection on your life and goals.

You may try meditation, but don’t be scared off by that term. Reflection for you may mean focusing on a particular goal or looking back on how each day or week went. 

There are probably a lot of little pockets of time in any given week when you could carve out a few minutes or an hour for reflection. Or if you’re craving major “me time,” make a plan for a lazy weekend to recharge and find focus.

Leverage journaling

Journaling can be an excellent tool when looking for clarity. Writing in a journal helps us to process what’s happening in the here and now, dream about the future, and reflect on the past. Journaling is a great form of self-care.

There are many benefits to journaling, like keeping track of your progress, increasing your confidence, and finding inspiration.

Once you’ve carved out a slice of time every day or every week, you may use journaling during that time. Whether you write long paragraphs, stick with short sentences, or use bullet journaling, get your thoughts down on paper.

If you’re unsure where to start, check out these 60 journal prompts for self discovery. I bet you’ll discover a ton about yourself if you’ve never had a journaling practice before, and that focus will help you achieve your goals.

Declutter to create physical space

In addition to creating mental space, you may also want to spend time clearing out physical space. If you need motivation to declutter, imagine how much the stuff in your home could add stress and confusion to your mind. 

Why not start by clearing away some things that aren’t serving you? Try emptying out one drawer or closet, discarding what’s unnecessary, and reorganizing with only the essentials. 

One of happiness guru Gretchen Rubin’s key tenets of happiness is that “Outer order contributes to inner calm.” Even if you don’t think clutter bothers you, you may be surprised to see how a cleaner home or office helps you.

2. Seek clarity through relationships

Relationships are a great resource for getting clarity. As important as your beliefs are, the people in your life can offer amazing insight into who you are.

Friends can help you see yourself more clearly 

In addition to spending time journaling and reflecting on your own, take some time to listen to your friends. Whether through a weekly Zoom call, an in-person lunch date, or even text messages throughout the week, friends can help with getting clarity.

Unfortunately, you may have been burned in the past by unsupportive friends. Those painful experiences may have led you to shut yourself off from true friends. Seek out the ones who can help you see who you are and determine your next life steps.

Whatever life circumstance you’re unclear on, dear friends can give advice. They can often see past your blind spots, those areas where you can’t see your talent as clearly as others.

Perhaps a friend will remind you of something you loved to do when you were younger. A relative could help you envision new possibilities for the future.

Don’t forget to set boundaries in your friendships. You’re still in the driver’s seat; you’re just asking friends to help you along.

Spend time with people who challenge you 

You can find focus by paying attention to who you’re spending time with. Maybe you have a trusted friend who doesn’t always tell you whatever you want to hear.

But her advice is always given with your best interests at heart. That’s the friend you want to keep close! She can definitely help you with how to find clarity in your life and choices.

Beware of toxic friends, though. When I say to seek out those who challenge you, I mean only people who love you and can give you insight into yourself.

Consider talking to a sister, old friend, grandmother, cousin, coworker, you name it. People who challenge you may push you out of what’s comfortable or easy. They can help you make a decision to take the risk—but not a foolish one.

A true friend can help you decide which risks are worth taking to better your life.

3. Getting clarity is easier with healthy habits

As you’re thinking through these steps, remember the healthy habits you’re in charge of building for yourself.

It can seem so simple, but we all neglect self-care and healthy behaviors at times. Healthy actions are foundational habits.

Get plenty of sleep 

One essential component of a healthy lifestyle—which impacts your focus and your life—is sleep. Developing a better sleep routine is perhaps the most important aspect of creating a self-care week (which you’ll hopefully follow with a lifetime of self-care).

Getting enough high-quality sleep can improve your attention and concentration, along with memory, the ability to solve problems, creativity, how we process emotions, and judgment, according to The Sleep Foundation.

Don’t all of those aspects also sound important to getting clarity in your life?

Too many of us are sleep-deprived. If you’re not sleeping enough, try giving yourself a regular bedtime and stick to it. Other good sleep hygiene habits include leaving your phone out of the bedroom and turning off screens an hour before bedtime.

Eat a healthy diet 

Eating a well-balanced diet is also crucial to being happier and more productive. You can find focus more often if you’re fueling your body with good things that help you function properly.

It’s not easy to follow an eating clean meal plan or even avoid overeating or eating in response to stress.

Try making a few small changes, like switching from soda or alcohol to water or adding a vegetable to each meal. I’m not yelling at you here—eating healthfully is a lifelong struggle for me, and each day’s choices make a difference. 

Every small decision to do something good for your body can help guide you to the next healthy choice.

Move more 

And, of course, in the trifecta of healthy habits, add “Move more!” to your list of things to do. Physical activity is a way to invest in yourself.

Exercise will help you strengthen physically, but it also has mental health benefits. Getting clarity may be easier if you make exercise a part of your day.

Exercise can help you with weight management, brain health, and anxiety reduction. If you’re unsure of what exercises are a good fit, try them out until you find some form of movement you love and will do regularly.

Perhaps you’ll love yoga, hiking in the woods, Zumba, softball, weight-lifting…you get the idea.

If I’m working from home, I sometimes pause to do a few push-ups or walk around my yard. That small break lets my mind wander from other tasks, and when I return, I’m more able to concentrate and solve problems.

Meditation can be a useful habit

If you’ve never tried meditation, you could give it a try. Take advantage of free apps like Calm or YouTube channels on meditation for quick and easy ways to get started.

I’ll admit that I’m a total newbie to meditation, but I try it occasionally to help me settle my mind. Plenty of people will tell you that when learning how to find clarity, it can be a great strategy. 

4. Focus on your priorities so you can accomplish what’s most important

Clarity is another way of defining your priorities. Figure out what matters the most to you, and chase hard after those things. Everything else is secondary.

You might determine that your family is your number-one priority (most people believe that). And, of course, you have to spend time on work, relationships, health, and other goals.

Define your goals and how long they’ll take

You can have long-term goals as well as mid term goals and short-term goals. Focus first on the overarching top goals, then break them down into manageable parts of life.

You might read goal-setting blogs to get some inspiration if you’re unsure how to set goals. First, try to keep your goals manageable and be sure they’re within your control. 

It’s best not to set goals like “Write a bestselling book” because whether your book sells isn’t something you can control. But goals like “Write 500 words per day” or “Join a writers’ group” are manageable and don’t rely on external factors. 

Don’t be afraid of big hairy audacious goals, either! Consider these major life objectives that you won’t reach in a few weeks or months but that can inspire you to buckle down and make progress. 

Determine why you want to achieve those goals

As you work on gaining clarity, you’ll need to think through your “why.” If a certain goal comes to mind, such as “Save $5,000 in 3 months,” think of concrete reasons why you want to do that. 

The reasoning behind this is simple. Achieving goals isn’t always easy, and gaining an understanding of why a goal matters to you will help you when the going gets tough. 

Get really specific about your why. What will you feel like when you accomplish this goal? How will it change your life or your family’s future? 

For example, if you are saving a down payment, envision the kind of house you’ll purchase one day. If you dream of taking a month off next summer, picture the fun activities you’ll be free to do during that time. 

You can keep your goals in mind by writing them down in a prominent place, learning how to create a vision board, or sharing them on social media. Along with the goal, include images or words about how achieving it will make life better. 

Say no to things that don’t serve your primary goals 

You’ll want to start saying “no” to some things. If an activity doesn’t help you reach your most precious goals, perhaps it’s time to give it up. 

Once you’ve focused on what matters, you’ll learn how to say no. You don’t have to do it all! Keep that in mind when a task could derail you from achieving your major goals. 

You may even need to say no to things that are good in theory but simply don’t serve you at this time.

For example, while I’m writing a novel (my lifelong goal), I have to say no to other activities that might be fun, like pottery classes. 

A financial example is that if you’re working to get out of debt, you’ll need to say no to a lot of spending. After working on your budget and debt, you can focus all your income where it needs to go—paying off debt. 

5. Don’t wait for perfect clarity before starting

“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.”

That quote has been attributed to Voltaire and restated by many wise thinkers. It reminds me that it’s more important to start than to have everything figured out.

Beat procrastination for good

So many times, we procrastinate on getting things done because we fear we won’t do them perfectly. Maybe you’ve had that experience with a major life goal. You build it up as so important that you’re paralyzed and don’t start.

When you put off doing what matters most out of fear or anxiety that it won’t be perfect, you don’t go anywhere. Meanwhile, time passes, and suddenly, you notice you’re in the same position as a year or ten years before. Don’t wait forever!

Start with baby steps

A good strategy for finding out what you want is to start small. While reflection is important, sometimes you need to start with a baby step. 

For example, you might feel that what you really desire is to study for a new career. But if that career requires years of study and a ton of money, don’t let that discourage you from trying. Start with one class or internship, then see how it goes from there. 

There’s a lot to be said for improving by 1% daily. Know that mini goals can be beneficial, too, and sometimes you need to take one step before the next one becomes clear. 

6. Experiment and adjust your goals periodically

Going hand-in-hand with starting imperfectly is the plan that you’ll adjust your goals over time. You can learn how to create goals for today, start working on your goals, and find that those goals don’t exactly fit what you want.

That’s okay! Life is an experiment, and you get to try things, fail (or change your mind), and try again. The important thing is to stay consistent in reaching for your goals.

Learn and change a little every day

Every day in your life, you can grow and change a little bit. You might use these tips to inspire change in your life. Use your experiences, continue to evaluate your life and find clarity for the present moment, and make adjustments as you go.

It’s not easy, but this can open your eyes to when it’s time for a change. Certain phases of your life will require more focus on your career, while others may be more focused on family. Life doesn’t stay the same year after year, and you won’t either. 

Changing your goals isn’t a failure

You need to realize that after making progress, your goals may shift over time. It’s important to accept this as a part of the process. 

I’ve read a few blogs about people who tried traveling full time, maybe in an RV or overseas. Sometimes, they loved it, but others found they were ready to return home after a few months. Those people didn’t fail, though!

There’s nothing wrong with taking a big leap and discovering the outcome wasn’t what you’d hoped. You’ll learn to live consciously and make adjustments.

Expert tip: Take the time you need to find direction

If you find yourself flailing or struggling to reach meaningful goals, it’s worth it to spend time getting clarity in life. Most of us face periods of confusion, when we either pursue too many goals at once or we feel aimless without a goal. By using these tips for better overall health and satisfaction, you’ll find yourself gaining focus in all areas of life.

Your life is too important to coast without specific objectives at the top of your mind, so use clarity to make your life plan. Remind yourself that you bring unique gifts to this world, and by understanding how to use those gifts, you can more quickly make your impact on the world. 

What does it mean to seek clarity?

If you’re unsure of how or why to seek clarity, think of it as finding a focus in life. Whether you feel lost in general or only in a specific area, you can figure out what you really want. 

You may look to inspirational blogs or self-help books for women to help you with your ambitions. Other ways to find focus include talking to loved ones, clearing out clutter from your home, or trying something completely new. 

It’s an ongoing process of self-discovery. It helps ensure that you aren’t simply coasting through life, which could lead to regret down the line. 

How do you find inner clarity?

There’s no one right answer for how to find inner clarity. Perhaps you’re seeking to focus on what you’re most gifted to do for a career. Or you’re unsure whether it’s time to move on from a painful relationship. 

Finding inner clarity requires you to dig deep and look inward. If you want more direction in your life, you must sit and think for a bit. Whether this means you simply sit down somewhere with a journal or try walking in the woods, get quiet. 

No one else can really tell you what you need or want. So don’t be afraid to be alone with your thoughts and figure out your goals. 

How can I get clarity fast?

Not to be a downer, but there may not be a quick solution for clarity. Of course, it would be great if you tried meditation once, and within the first five minutes, you experienced a lightning bolt of clarity. 

However, there’s a good chance that finding focus won’t happen fast. Just be open to whatever comes to your mind, and be willing to change as you learn and grow.  

One good way to focus fast is to create physical space. Clear your desk, for example, before you sit down for goal-setting. The absence of random papers could help you focus your mind. 

As you gain guidance on what you really want, you can also start trying the best manifestation methods to help you get there. 

If you found this information about gaining direction for your life interesting, check out these other great posts!

You can live with clarity and purpose!

Finally, don’t be afraid to pursue what you really love.

That’s likely one of the hardest parts of achieving clarity: realizing what you want but then finding the courage to go after it. You may not struggle with confusion, but the belief that you deserve what you want. 

Remember to listen to yourself as you go through each day, and you’ll find the focus to keep working toward achieving your goals.

If you decide on financial goals to pursue, you can try out our free online finance courses.

Read the full article here

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