How to Earn $60,000+ in Freelance Writing Income

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Freelance writing income miracles

Feel trapped in a cycle of financial strain, always at the mercy of a less-than-ideal job situation? Let’s break free from the shackles of limited income and tyrannical bosses by exploring the path to financial liberation through diversifying your revenue streams, mainly via empowering freelance writing income.

How our freelance writing income liberated us

Eighteen years ago, we were like mole people, dwelling in a basement apartment devoid of sunlight, buried under a mountain of $51,000 in credit card debt. Now? We’re debt-free and rolling in over $60,000 a year, all thanks to chronicling our journey out of the debt dungeon. Here’s our roadmap to turning your education, experiences, and misfortunes into cold, hard cash.

Feeling the urge to hop on this bandwagon of financial triumph? Hold onto your hats, because our story began with… wait for it… starting a gay blog. Yes, you read that right. So, what are you waiting for if you haven’t taken the plunge into the blogosphere yet? Get on board now and snag our exclusive discount while you’re at it!

Picture this: two financial whizzes who couldn’t manage their dough if it came gift-wrapped with a bow. We were the epitome of the “Emperor with No Clothes” meets “Cobbler’s Kids with No Shoes” scenario. Living up to the cliché of looking fabulous but being fabulously broke, we were practically on a first-name basis with every gay bar in Denver. Happy hours turned into happy-eternity hours, dinners were gourmet despite our barren fridge, and clubbing was a nightly ritual. All the while, our debt was skyrocketing faster than a drag queen on roller skates.

Life wasn’t exactly going according to plan. We were the living, breathing embodiment of the Friends theme song—except we replaced “friends” with “fiascos.” But then, like a glitter-coated phoenix rising from the ashes of our overdraft fees, we decided enough was enough.

Two and a half years later, we emerged triumphant, having conquered our $51,000 debt dragon. We distilled our hard-earned wisdom into our book, 4: The Four Principles of a Debt-Free Life, and this blog you’re perusing right now.

What started as a side hustle soon morphed into a double dose of full-time gigs. We’ve added freelance writing to our arsenal alongside our podcast, public speaking gigs, and brand partnerships, raking in a sweet $5,000 monthly.

But hey, we’re not just here to brag about our financial conquests. We’re here to help YOU launch your own five-figure freelance writing career. Ready to join the ranks of the financially liberated? Click here, and let’s make those dreams a reality.

1. Pick your niche to fuel your freelance writing income 

The classic conundrum of the freelance writer: to specialize or not to specialize. It’s like choosing between a buffet and a five-course meal—you can’t have it all, folks. While you might fancy yourself a modern-day Renaissance Man (or Woman), clients prefer neatly packaged writers, not scattered like confetti at a wedding.

Picture this: you’re a freelance writer trying to juggle topics like a circus clown with too many balls in the air. One minute you’re waxing poetic about politics, the next you’re crooning about couture. It’s a recipe for confusion, my friend.

Sure, you could attempt the ultimate balancing act and tackle every topic under the sun. But let’s be honest, you’ll feel like a cat herder at a rave—lost and bewildered.

Here’s the deal: if you want to rake in the big bucks (we’re talking $5,000+ a month), you gotta pick a lane and stick to it. And hey, it’s not just about financial gain—it’s about passion, baby! Clients can smell apathy from a mile away, so choose topics that set your soul on fire. Think Selena Gomez belting out a love song—except replace “love song” with “your chosen topic.”

So, embrace your inner expert, find your niche, and watch those dollar signs start dancing in your dreams. Because in the world of freelance writing, specializing isn’t just bright—it’s sexy.

2. Serve others, and the freelance writing income follow

Who’s gonna benefit from your linguistic prowess, and how will they benefit is the big question. Think of yourself as the Robin Hood of the written word—stealing attention from the mundane and delivering it to the deserving.

Your freelance writing clients aren’t just bosses—they’re the gatekeepers to the kingdom of reader engagement. And trust me, they’re not looking for some run-of-the-mill content; they want the good stuff, the kind of writing that makes readers go, “Hot diggity dog, where has this been all my life?”

Picture this: you pour your heart and soul into an article about underwater basket weaving, only to find out that your client’s audience would instead read about the migratory patterns of garden gnomes. Yeah, not exactly a recipe for success.

Here’s the golden rule of freelance writing: if your words don’t resonate with your audience, you might as well be whispering into the void. And let me tell you, the void doesn’t pay the bills.

So, before you start typing away like a caffeinated squirrel, take a moment to get inside your readers’ heads. What makes them tick? What keeps them up at night? And most importantly, what gets them clicking that ‘like’ button faster than you can say “freelance gig”?

Because when it comes to making a splash in the world of freelance writing, it’s not just about churning out words—it’s about making waves. And trust me, nobody wants to be stuck in a kiddie pool when there’s an ocean of opportunity out there.

3. Practice. Practice. Practice to be a highly-paid freelance writer 

It’s the age-old wisdom of the mysterious sage who probably had one too many cups of coffee: “A good writer is a bad writer who didn’t stop writing.” It’s like saying a good chef is just a lousy chef who didn’t burn down the kitchen—inspiring stuff, really.

But here’s the kicker: you don’t need a fancy diploma from journalism school to rake in the big bucks as a freelance writer. Nope, all you need is a healthy dose of caffeine and a willingness to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, if you’re feeling fancy).

So, how do you go from being a mediocre wordsmith to a literary rockstar? It’s simple, my friend: write. And then write some more. And when you think you’ve written enough, guess what? Write some more.

Now, I get it—sharing your writing with the world can be scarier than a clown convention in a dark alley. But here’s the thing: if you want to make a living from your writing, you gotta put yourself out there. It’s like jumping into a swimming pool—you might be terrified at first, but once you take the plunge, you realize it’s not so bad after all.

So, dust off that old diary, put on your big kid pants, and start sharing your words with the world. Because hey, making a living from your freelance writing dreams isn’t just okay—it’s downright fabulous.


When it comes to writing tools, let’s face it: Microsoft Word is so last season. Enter Grammarly, the superhero of the writing world. This bad boy doesn’t just spell-check and grammar-check—it’s like having a personal editor, cheerleader, and mind-reader all rolled into one.

With Grammarly by your side, you can kiss those pesky typos and grammar faux pas goodbye. It’s like having your own personal army of proofreaders, ensuring that your writing is as polished as a brand-new sports car.

But wait, there’s more! Grammarly doesn’t stop at spell-checking and grammar-checking. Oh no, it also checks for duplicate words, missed words, and a whole bunch of other stuff that’ll make your writing shine brighter than a diamond in the rough.

So, if you’re still slaving away in the dark ages with Microsoft Word, it’s time to level up. Say hello to Grammarly and say goodbye to writing woes. Trust me, your writing—and your sanity—will thank you.


Let me introduce you to Readable—a little gem of a site that’s like having a personal readability coach. You know, the one who tells you when you’re being too fancy with your words and need to dial it back a notch.

So, what’s Readable’s secret sauce? Algorithms, my friend. These magical mathematical creatures estimate the grade level required to wrap your brain around your writing. And let’s be real, aiming for a 6th or 7th-grade reading level isn’t just about dumbing things down—it’s about reaching the broadest possible audience. After all, nobody’s got time to decode War and Peace during their lunch break.

But wait, there’s more! Readable doesn’t just stop at grade levels. Oh no, it’s also your personal timekeeper, estimating how long it’ll take for your readers to slurp up your literary masterpiece. And trust me, unless you’re writing the definitive guide to toilet paper origami, you want to keep things short and sweet. Because let’s face it, most of your audience is probably sneaking a peek at your work while they’re supposed to be working—or worse, during their daily throne time.

So, take a page from Readable’s book and aim for readability gold. Your readers—and their poor, overworked thumbs—will thank you.

Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer

The infamous three-second rule isn’t just for dropping snacks on the floor anymore, folks. Nope, in the wild world of online writing, you’ve got about as much time to hook your reader as it takes to microwave a bag of popcorn. And let’s face it, in a world where attention spans are shorter than a cat’s attention span (and trust me, that’s short), every word counts.

Now, you’ve probably heard of clickbait—those tantalizing headlines that promise the world but deliver about as much substance as a soggy potato chip. But fear not, my friend, for we’re not here to peddle empty promises. No, we’re here to grab attention like a toddler in a toy store.

Enter Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer, the trusty sidekick of every savvy writer. This bad boy doesn’t just grade your headlines—it gives ’em a makeover worthy of a reality TV show. So, say goodbye to lackluster titles and hello to headlines that pack a punch.

And speaking of punches, let’s talk about earning potential. We’re talking big bucks here, folks—$200,000+ a year, to be exact. Yep, you read that right. And hey, if you’re ready to dive headfirst into the world of freelance writing riches, just click that link and let the magic happen.

But hold your horses, cowboy. Before you start plastering your words all over the internet like confetti at a parade, it’s time for a little reality check. Share your writing with your nearest and dearest first—starting with your hubby. Sure, it might feel like handing over your baby to a pack of wolves, but trust me, their feedback is worth its weight in gold.

Once you’ve survived the gauntlet of criticism (and hopefully a few compliments), it’s time to take the plunge and start your own blog. Because let’s face it, there’s no better way to unleash your inner writing beast than by going live and letting the world bask in your brilliance. So grab your keyboard, take a deep breath, and make some magic happen.

4. Write a book in your niche to position yourself as the pro

Becoming a thought leader in your niche is like becoming the Beyoncé of your industry—you want to be the one everyone looks up to and worships from afar. And what better way to claim your throne than by writing and publishing your very own book? Cue the dramatic music and prepare for your literary coronation.

Now, I’m not saying you’re going to churn out the next New York Times bestseller overnight. No, we’re talking baby steps here, folks. We’re talking about dipping your toe into the vast ocean of publishing and creating a catalog of your wisdom and wit.

Enter Lulu, Smashwords, and CreateSpace—your trusty sidekicks on the road to literary greatness. These magical sites make publishing a book as easy as pie. And hey, who knows? Maybe one day you’ll look back on those humble beginnings and laugh, remembering how you thought publishing a book was as daunting as climbing Mount Everest.

Take it from us—we’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (and the book royalties). With three books under our belt, we’ve conquered the literary world one page at a time.

But wait, there’s more! As you continue to hone your craft and establish your voice, you’ll want to revisit your earlier blog posts and give them a facelift. It’s like giving your past self a makeover and showing the world how far you’ve come. Plus, it’s a fast track to whipping up an e-book that’ll have readers hitting that ‘buy now’ button faster than you can say “publishing sensation.”

So, grab your cape, dust off your keyboard, and prepare to make literary history. Because hey, before you know it, you’ll be a published author—and that’s something worth dancing about.

Publishing a book isn’t exactly a walk in the park, but hey, it’s not like wrestling a grizzly bear, either. And let’s be real, even being a self-published author carries some serious street cred. Just ask our buddy who’s making waves with romance novels, of all things. Who knew that steamy love stories could be such a goldmine?

But fear not, aspiring authors, for help is at hand. Michelle’s got your back, ready to guide you through the treacherous waters of ebook writing like a seasoned sailor. With her step-by-step approach, she’ll have you raking in those extra figures faster than you can say “bestseller.” So strap in, grab your quill (or, you know, your laptop), and get ready to pen the next chapter of your literary journey. It’s gonna be a wild ride, but trust me, it’ll be worth it.

5. Be a social media powerhouse to get your name out there

Then, there’s the wild world of social media—where one wrong tweet can send you spiraling into oblivion faster than you can say “cancel culture.” But fear not, my friend, for with a great social media presence comes great freelance writing income. So strap in, grab your hashtags, and let’s dive into the fabulous world of online networking.

Now, choosing the right social media platforms is like picking the perfect outfit for a first date—it’s all about making a killer impression. For us, that means strutting our stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. Because hey, if you’re gonna be a social media superstar, you might as well cover all your bases.

Why Facebook, you ask? Well, aside from Grindr and Scruff (which, let’s be real, are basically Facebook for gay men), it’s where all the cool kids hang out. And by cool kids, I mean most gay men. As for Twitter, it’s like the VIP lounge of the internet, where you can rub elbows with celebrities, media moguls, and even John Cena himself. Talk about a power move.

And let’s not forget about Pinterest—the unsung hero of social media. Sure, it may be mostly moms right now, but with the rate of men signing up faster than you can say “Pinterest-worthy DIY project,” it’s only a matter of time before it becomes the ultimate hotspot for gay men. And hey, if Pinterest wants to put us in front of a gaggle of gay men, who are we to argue?

Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube—well, let’s just say they’re the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of the social media world. With their visual allure and endless potential for creativity, they’re the perfect platforms for connecting with our fellow visual creatures.

But here’s the thing: managing all these social media accounts can be more exhausting than a marathon with RuPaul as the referee. That’s where tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social come in handy, automating your posts so you can focus on more important things—like perfecting your selfie game.

And remember, social media isn’t just about shameless self-promotion—it’s about building relationships. So don’t be afraid to like, comment, and share the love with your fellow bloggers, journalists, and businesses. Who knows? You might just land your next big freelance writing gig over a virtual cocktail or two.

So go forth, my friend, and conquer the social media landscape like the fabulous writer you were born to be. And remember, mastering Facebook Ads is like mastering the art of drag—it takes a little bit of practice and a whole lot of sass.

6. Network. Network. Network.

The glamorous world of online entrepreneurship is where success is as elusive as a unicorn and networking is your new best friend. Picture this: you’re like a smooth-talking socialite, schmoozing your way through virtual cocktail parties and business brunches. But here’s the kicker: 95% of your job is networking, and let’s face it, building those connections can feel like navigating a minefield in stilettos.

Now, I hate to burst your bubble, but here’s the harsh truth: 100% of your business opportunities will take longer than you expect, and a solid 60% of those initial opportunities will go the way of the dodo. But fear not, my friend, for in the game of networking, it’s all about keeping that pipeline full. It’s like playing the field at the bar—sometimes you strike out, but hey, there’s always another round waiting.

And here’s a little secret: even if something falls through, it doesn’t mean it’s gone for good. Relationships, much like fine wine, take time to mature. So don’t be afraid to play the long game and sow those seeds of connection. Who knows? That opportunity that slipped through your fingers might just circle back when the stars align.

But enough about the pitfalls of networking—let’s talk strategy. From industry conferences to local business events, there’s no shortage of opportunities to rub elbows with the bigwigs in your niche. And if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, why not join your local and national chambers of commerce? After all, who wouldn’t want to network with a fabulous group of queer entrepreneurs?

Take it from us—we’re personal finance writers who hit the jackpot at a blogging conference. Thanks to a chance encounter with a publisher, we landed gigs on major platforms like Yahoo!Finance and MSN Money faster than you can say, “Show me the money.” And let me tell you, once you’ve got that street cred, the freelance writing gigs practically fall into your lap like confetti at a parade.

So, next time you’re eyeing up a potential gig, don’t be afraid to flaunt your writing samples like a peacock on parade. Because hey, when you’ve been published in all the right places, your equity skyrockets faster than Bitcoin on a good day.

7. Write for others to generate freelance writing income

Freelance writing is where dreams of literary stardom collide with the harsh reality of pitching your heart out to every editor this side of the Mississippi. But fear not, my friend, for with a dash of perseverance and a sprinkle of humor, you too can join the ranks of the freelance elite.

Now, picture this: you’ve got ten posts under your belt, and you’re ready to take the freelance world by storm. But first, you’ve gotta earn your stripes. And what better way to do that than by offering your services to other blogs? Sure, they might be about as popular as a pogo stick at a pancake breakfast, but hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

Take it from us—we started off writing for blogs that were about as well-read as a shampoo bottle label. But did that stop us? Heck no! We took matters into our own hands and fired off emails to every editor of every LGBTQ+ magazine in the country. And guess what? We hit the jackpot faster than you can say “freelance frenzy.” Sure, those first gigs were about as lucrative as a lemonade stand in Antarctica, but hey, we were published in actual print. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like seeing your words in black and white to make you feel like a literary rockstar.

But enough about the early days of scraping by—let’s talk strategy. From scouring freelancing job boards to setting up automated notifications with IFTTT, there’s no shortage of ways to land your next big gig. And hey, why not streamline the pitching process with some handy-dandy templates? Sure, you’ll have to tweak ’em here and there, but trust me, it beats starting from scratch every time.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But wait, isn’t this just about freelance writing?” Well, my friend, you’re absolutely right. When it comes to earning a living from your words, there’s no room for distractions. So buckle up, Buttercup, and get ready to make those freelance dreams a reality. Who knows? Before you know it, you could be raking in a cool $230,000 a year—all from the comfort of your pajamas.

8. Get quoted as much as possible

Establishing yourself as an authority is like becoming the Dumbledore of your niche, minus the magical beard (unless you’re into that sort of thing). But fear not, my friend, for with a little bit of ingenuity and a sprinkle of charm, you, too, can become the go-to guru in your field.

Now, getting published is all well and good, but why stop there? Why not aim for the stars and get yourself cited like a well-worn encyclopedia? Enter HARO—aka “Help a Reporter Out,” the holy grail of quotable quotables. Reporters and journalists flock to this platform like seagulls to a beach picnic, eager to snag a juicy quote from someone who knows their stuff. And hey, who knows? Your words of wisdom might just end up in print faster than you can say “headline hero.”

But wait, there’s more! Twitter isn’t just for sharing cat memes and dunking on your least favorite politicians—it’s also a goldmine for connecting with journalists and media types. So why not slide into their DMs like a smooth-talking socialite and pitch them your next big idea? Who knows? You might just land yourself a freelance writing gig faster than you can say, “Tweet me.”

Speaking of networking, let’s discuss the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). Joining this fabulous organization is like gaining access to a secret society of movers and shakers in the LGBTQ business world. Rubbing elbows with journalists and influential folks has never been easier or more fabulous.

But here’s the kicker: once you’ve been quoted in their publication, don’t just pat yourself on the back and call it a day. Oh no, my friend, it’s time to add that shiny new achievement to your street cred faster than you can say “LGBTQ+ power player.” Because hey, when it comes to establishing yourself as an authority, every little citation counts.

So go forth, my friend, and conquer the world of media like the literary powerhouse you were born to be. Who knows? Before you know it, you could be gracing the pages of your favorite publications faster than you can say “press release perfection.”

9. Write for freelance writing income 

Fear not, my friend, for with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of determination, you, too, can join the ranks of the freelance elite.

Now, picture this: you’ve become the Dumbledore of your niche, reigning supreme on your blog and social media like a literary wizard. You’ve been published, quoted, and celebrated like the rockstar writer you were always meant to be. But what’s next? Pitching your writing to businesses, of course!

Yes, my friend, many businesses have blogs these days—mostly to keep the Google gods happy and drive traffic to their websites. And let’s be real, it’s cheaper for them to hire freelancers than to staff a whole army of in-house writers. Enter you—the freelance wordsmith extraordinaire with a voice so unique, it’s like a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it—pitching to businesses might seem about as daunting as trying to wrangle a herd of cats. But fear not, for Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a freelance empire. It took us a solid four years to go from clueless beginners to earning five-figure incomes—and that includes the year we spent wandering in the proverbial writing wilderness.

But here’s the secret sauce: it’s not about doing it all at once. Nope, it’s about taking baby steps, one pitch at a time, until you’re strutting down Easy Street with your pockets full of freelance gold. With a little focus and a lot of determination, you’ll reach your goal faster than you can say “full-time freelancer.”

So go forth, my friend, and conquer the world of freelance writing like the literary superhero you were always meant to be. Because hey, before you know it, you’ll be cashing those freelance paychecks faster than you can say, “Show me the money.”

Other resources for starting your freelance writing small business

Business insurance for small businesses

In the freelance writing world, the only office attire you need is a snazzy pair of pajamas, and the only commute you make is from your bed to your desk (or, let’s be real, your couch). But hold your horses, my friend, because even in the world of cozy home offices and endless cups of coffee, there’s one thing you can’t afford to skimp on business insurance.

I know what you’re thinking: “But wait, I’m just a one-person operation with nothing but a laptop and a dream. Do I really need business insurance?” Well, let me tell you, even the most laid-back freelance writer needs a safety net. Because hey, accidents happen—whether it’s a spilled cup of coffee on your laptop or a disgruntled client threatening legal action, you’ll want to be prepared for whatever curveballs life throws your way.

But fear not, my friend. Getting business insurance doesn’t have to be as painful as a trip to the dentist or as costly as a shopping spree at Tiffany’s. In fact, with a little bit of research and a dash of humor, you can find the perfect policy to suit your needs without breaking the bank.

So don’t wait until disaster strikes to protect yourself and your business. After all, as a freelance writer, your words are your livelihood—and you wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize that, now would you? So go forth, my friend, and get yourself some business insurance. Your future self will thank you.

Business valuations for small businesses

Ah, the noble pursuit of leaving a legacy—because let’s face it, we all want to be remembered for something more than just our questionable dance moves at the office holiday party. But for small business owners, leaving a lasting impression means more than just a plaque on the wall—it means knowing the true value of your pride and joy: your small business.

Now, being a small business owner isn’t just about chasing dreams and counting profits—it’s also about planning for the future. Whether you dream of selling your business for a handsome sum or passing it down to your nearest and dearest, knowing the worth of your small business is key.

But fear not, my entrepreneurial friend, for help, is at hand. We sat down with a small business valuation pro from MassMutual—a real-life wizard of numbers—who spilled the beans on everything you need to know about getting your small business valued faster than you can say “exit strategy.”

Because let’s be real, when it comes to knowing the worth of your small business, you don’t want to be flying blind. Whether you’re planning for retirement, securing funding, or just satisfying your curiosity, having a solid understanding of your business’s value is crucial.

So buckle up, my entrepreneurial amigo, and get ready to dive headfirst into the world of small business valuation. With a little bit of know-how and a whole lot of humor, you’ll be well on your way to securing your legacy faster than you can say “business mogul.”

Small business lending for small businesses

The thrilling world of entrepreneurship—where dreams of striking it rich collide with the harsh reality of balancing budgets and counting pennies. But fear not, my aspiring small business mogul, for when it comes to funding your dreams, there’s more than one way to skin a cat (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it—getting real with lending and investing for your small business can feel about as fun as a root canal. But hey, who needs a stuffy old bank loan when you’ve got the power of plastic at your fingertips? That’s right, my friend, I’m talking about the humble small business credit card—a veritable lifesaver for gig-economy entrepreneurs everywhere.

But hold your horses because there’s a right way and a wrong way to wield the mighty credit card. If you’re already up to your eyeballs in credit card debt, applying for more plastic might not be the wisest move. But fear not, for we’ve got a little trick up our sleeves called the Debt Lasso Method—a nifty strategy for paying off your credit card debt faster than you can say “interest rates be gone.”

And speaking of credit scores, let’s talk about making yours as rock-solid as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on leg day. Because let’s face it, no credit card issuer is going to throw money at you if your credit score resembles a rollercoaster ride. So buckle down, my financially savvy friend, and get ready to whip that credit score into shape faster than you can say “credit score makeover.”

So there you have it, my entrepreneurial amigo—a crash course in small business financing with a side of humor. Because, hey, when life gives you lemons, you might as well make lemonade (preferably with a splash of reward points).

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