Our 13 Best Money Hacks

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The Debt Free Guys’ best money hacks

Computer hack – bad. Lifehack – good. Hacking up a lung – bad. Hacking a solution – good. A hacker – evil. A money hacker – great! Be a hack with these 13 best money hacks.

Our 13 best money hacks to save and have more money

Check out these 13 epic money hacks that rescued us from a whopping $51,000 credit card debt and saved us from the brink of broke-dom. Now, we’re living the high life without the high debt.

1. Automating your money

Let’s make technology do the heavy lifting while you live your fabulously unbroke life! Start by stashing away at least $500 in your emergency fund—it’s like having a secret stash for life’s surprises, from unexpected car repairs to that spontaneous urge to buy a life-size inflatable dinosaur. And hey, with this hack, you’re already outshining most Americans in the savings game.

Who knew financial prowess could be this fun?

2. Money chunking

Ever find yourself counting pennies long before payday hits? Enter money chunking—your ultimate savior! It’s like divvying up your cash into neat little piles for different spending needs but without the tedious counting. Think of it as having that last half pint of Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer—reserved just for those crucial moments when you need a pick-me-up. With money chunking, you’re ensuring there’s always a bit left in the pot by month’s end, so you can still grab a few drinks or chow down with the crew.

Because, let’s face it, budgeting should leave room for fun, too, right?

3. Sending it before spending it

Here’s a golden rule: pay your bills the moment your paycheck hits your account—before those sneaky funds vanish into the abyss of spontaneous shopping sprees and impulse buys (looking at you, novelty-shaped cheese graters). By sending off your bills pronto, you’re not just adulting like a pro; you’re paying yourself first.

Trust us; nothing beats the thrill of knowing your bills are squared away, leaving you with a surplus to flex on things that truly matter—like upgrading from instant noodles to the gourmet ramen aisle. So, let’s get those bills out of the way and watch your bank account flourish like never before.

4. Phantom shopping

Here’s a savvy shopping trick: treat your online cart like a virtual negotiation room! Leave that coveted item chilling in your cart for a couple of days, and watch the discounts and sweet, sweet notifications roll in like a VIP invite to a sale. It’s like playing hard to get but for your wallet’s benefit! This little hack isn’t just for holiday splurges; it’s your secret weapon year-round.

Who knew procrastinating could pay off? Time to master the art of cart abandonment—because a savvy shopper is a happy shopper.

5. Adopting the fabulous NSE (Not So Expensive)

There are two types of rich folks out there: the ones who hit the jackpot and then watch it vanish like yesterday’s avocado toast, and those who hit it big and play it smart. What’s their secret? They don’t blow their wad on every fancy whim. Instead, they know there’s a budget-friendly alternative for nearly everything. Sure, it might not be your dream forever, but it keeps you out of debt and on the path to riches.

We discovered these Not-So-Expensive (NSE) alternatives for everything from TV binge sessions to sipping wine and even satisfying our annual gay travel cravings. And guess what? Even now that we’ve waved goodbye to debt, we’re still all about those NSE hacks. Because why spend a fortune when you can pocket the savings and still live the good life? It’s like being financially savvy and fabulous all at once.

6. Cutting the cord and reducing streaming services

Imagine cutting the cord on cable TV or reducing the number of streaming services you use at one time feels as drastic as Britney’s infamous hair moment—but fear not, it’s far less dramatic (and you won’t need to rock a buzz cut). It was a total no-brainer once we realized we were only watching a fraction of the 36 million cable channels at our fingertips.

This move was our first big step toward financial freedom, freeing up cash to pump into our emergency savings account. Who knew saying goodbye to cable could be so liberating? We’re trading channel surfing for financial serenity, one saved dollar at a time.

7. Automating savings and investing

Ready to level up your savings game? Here’s the scoop: First, cozy up with a savings or investing account at your favorite financial hotspot—whether it’s a bank, credit union, or swanky investment firm. Next, work your magic with a recurring direct deposit straight from your paycheck using this nifty form (seriously, it’s like setting up a direct line to financial bliss).

Got a fancy 401(k), 403(b), or any of those alphabet soups? Get cozy with your HR squad to kickstart funding pronto. Your employer’s got your back, depositing those sweet contributions before the taxman even gets a sniff.

But wait, there’s more! Suppose you’re feeling extra flush after maxing out that employer match. In that case, it’s time to strut over to your nearest savings, investing, or Individual Retirement Account and make it rain—automatically saving and investing like a boss. Because why should money sit there when it could be out there, making more money? Now multiply those dollars like rabbits (but with better financial sense).

8. Going digital

Ready to make saving money as easy as scoring a touchdown in a foam finger factory? Step one: whip out your phone and download Ibotta—your new best friend for snagging instant discounts and sweet rebates on stuff you already buy. Just snap a pic of your receipts like you’re photographing your pet’s cute antics, and watch the savings roll in faster than you can say ‘extra guac, please.’

Next up, get cozy with Chrome’s Honey on your computer. It’s like having a personal shopper who moonlights as a discount guru, sniffing out deals, free shipping, and promos faster than your cat finds that elusive sunbeam. No more paying full price—why should you when technology has your back? Time to let those savings stack up higher than your laundry pile.

9. Using the saver’s tax credit

Ever dream of slicing up to $2,000 off your tax bill with the precision of a ninja chef chopping onions? Meet the Saver’s Credit—a secret weapon in the battle against Uncle Sam’s hefty demands. Forget mere deductions; this credit means every buck saved is a buck earned straight off your tax tab.

So, consider swiping right on the Saver’s Credit instead of settling for a run-of-the-mill tax deduction on your IRA or work-sponsored retirement contributions. It’s like getting a high-five from the IRS, but with cash instead of awkward government paperwork. Talk to your accountant because who wouldn’t want to turn tax day into a mini celebration of financial wizardry?

10. Going plastic

Ready to turn your shopping into a game of savings Tetris? Here’s the trick: snag discount gift cards to your go-to stores and watch the discounts stack up faster than a professional pancake flipper on a Sunday morning. Picture this: you buy a $100 gift card, and bam—you score a bonus $25 gift card for free, plus a sweet 20% off deal. It’s like hitting the jackpot without even leaving your couch!

Cue sites like GiftCards.com and GiftCardGranny.com, your secret stash for year-round gift card promos. Set alerts for your favorite stores and watch those savings notifications pop up like magic. Because why pay full price when you can shop smarter and still have cash left over for those extra avocado slices? Get ready to level up your shopping game and pocket the difference—your wallet will thank you.

11. Dinero Detoxing

Ever felt like your finances needed a detox as badly as a post-holiday belly? Enter the money fast—a boot camp for your budget that’s as refreshing as a green juice cleanse (but with fewer kale smoothies). Pick a stretch between a weekend and a month, and challenge yourself to cut out ALL those unnecessary expenses. It’s like hitting pause on the impulse buys and frivolous splurges, giving your wallet a chance to catch its breath and your bank account a shot at superhero status.

Think of it as hitting the reset button on your financial goals—whether beefing up that emergency savings or finally plotting that dream vacation route. Because hey, who needs that third novelty coffee mug or yet another pair of avocado-themed socks, right? Embrace the money fast, and watch those savings grow faster than your list of excuses for why you absolutely need that new gadget. Your financial future will thank you.

12. Email hacking

Here’s a trick that’s as reliable as your grandma’s secret pancake recipe, minus the floury mess: cozy up to your favorite retailers’ email lists. Sure, it’s not as flashy as an app designed by a Silicon Valley wunderkind, but retailers know that email addresses are worth their weight in digital gold in this cyber age.

Head over to shopping hotspots like Macy’s, Nordstrom, and H&M, and hit that subscribe button like it’s the last slice of pizza at a birthday party. What do you get in return? Think of coupons that magically appear in your inbox, discounts that make you do a happy dance, and promotions so tempting that you’ll swear your inbox turned into a virtual treasure trove. And let’s not forget the cherry on top—free delivery offers that make you feel like you just won the internet.

So, while others chase the next big tech marvel, you’ll sit pretty, scoring deals without breaking a sweat. It’s like having a personal shopper who knows your taste in savings—now that’s what I call savvy shopping with a side of digital smarts.

13. Avoiding budget creep

Ever experienced budget creep? No, it’s not the latest hit by Left-Eye—it’s that sneaky rise in spending that happens so stealthily you’re left wondering, ‘Where the heck did my money disappear to?’ It’s like playing detective with your wallet, except you didn’t sign up for this mystery.

That’s where automating your money management swoops in like a financial superhero. By setting up automated systems, you’re not just putting a leash on budget creep—you’re taming it with the finesse of a lion tamer at a circus (minus the fancy hat).

Avoiding budget creep is all about spotting those triggers that make you splurge and replacing them with smarter habits. It’s like saying goodbye to impulse buys and hello to strategic spending that actually makes your wallet smile.

And guess what? Our 13 best money hacks are here to rescue you from the jaws of budget creep. No need to pick up a second job or overhaul your glamorous lifestyle—just a few savvy tweaks to save more and invest better. Because let’s face it, being less broke means more room for the fabulous things in life, like upgrading from boxed wine to the good stuff without batting an eyelash. Cheers to living fabulously without breaking the bank.

Other tools for money hacking:

Read the full article here

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