How Does The 60 30 10 Rule Work For Budgeting?

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The 60/30/10 budget turns the traditional rules of budgeting upside down. Instead of focusing on discretionary spending, this budgeting rule emphasizes sprinting toward our financial goals. And although the 60/30/10 rule budget won’t work for everyone, many could use it to take their finances to the next level. Here’s what you need to know about the 60/30/10 rule budget.

What is a 60/30/10 budget?

The numbers in the 60/30/10 each represent a percentage of your financial plan.

  • With this system, you will use 60% of your take-home pay to build your savings or even an early retirement account, invest, save up for a down payment, or repay debt.
  • Next, you will spend 30% on your needs. These might include food or frugal meals, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, healthcare, and transportation like car payments.
  • Finally, you use the remaining 10% of your budget to pay for discretionary spending. These wants might include new accessories, a spa day, or other ways to pamper yourself. You may also spend money on hobbies, entertainment, or other non-essential expenses.

Who is it ideal for?

After seeing the percentages, you might be curious to know who would thrive under the 60 30 10 rule budget. Ambitious savers are best suited for this budgeting style, especially if they have an ultimate lifetime money plan that includes a big money goal.

If I have big financial goals, then prioritizing saving might seem right.

For example, let’s say I want to pay off a large amount of debt fast. Putting 60% of my take-home pay towards that goal will help me achieve that goal faster.

Another example is anyone interested in achieving FIRE; Financial Independence Retire Early. It is no secret that those seeking FIRE must save a significant amount of money.

Pros and cons of a 60/30/10 budget

As with all financial choices, there are some advantages and disadvantages to sticking with the 60/30/10 idea. Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons you should consider before diving in.


Let’s start with the pros of the 60/30/10 rule budget. This idea has some significant upsides.

Faster progress toward financial goals

The most obvious advantage is that you’ll accelerate your timeline for any financial goals. Whether you want to build emergency fund savings or save money for a big-ticket item, saving 60% of your income in your savings accounts will help you accomplish that more quickly.

Disciplined spending on what excites you

You can still have fun with your spending. But you’ll need to be intentional and only spend on things that really matter to you. It helps to determine what your wants truly are when using the 60 30 10 rule budget.

For instance, if I really value traveling but instead usually spend my extra money on coffee and shopping, then I would need to change my spending. I would stop spending on those categories and focus on saving for my next vacation.

Motivation to boost your income in creative ways

If you want to boost your discretionary spending within the rule, you must increase your income. It could be the perfect way to stick to your side hustle.

The budgeting rule can help you accomplish your financial goals. Plus, it helps you uncover what type of discretionary spending is truly important to you.


Of course, there are also some downsides to consider. An extreme budget like this isn’t for everyone.

Limited discretionary spending options

Depending on your wants, it might be challenging to cut back on your discretionary spending. Some people prefer a more luxurious lifestyle and this budgeting method restricts those types of purchases.

For example, if you’re used to spending half of your income on discretionary expenses, it will be a major adjustment. But you can do it if you really want to prioritize your money savings goals!

Adjustments to your lifestyle

You may need to cut back on the needs in your life to keep it within the 30% rule. It might include cutting back on housing through house hacking or transportation and car expenses. Also, eating at home versus dining out and finding ways to drastically cut expenses.

It is clear that you might need to make some cuts to your spending within this budget. You’ll need to decide for yourself if the cutbacks are worth it.

The math may not work for your income right away

Unless you have a very large income, this budget could be challenging without some major lifestyle and financial changes.

For instance, even if you make $10,000 a month, your expenses would still need to be very low ($3,000) for this to work. So if you have this income and your expenses are $5,000, you would need to switch up some percentages or drastically change your lifestyle.

To make this work, you can either increase your income, decrease your expenses, or both.

How do you set up a 60 30 10 rule budget

If you want to move forward with a 60/30/10 rule budget, here’s how to set one up. Check out the following guidelines:

Step 1: Determine your take-home pay

The basis of the 60/30/10 budget is your take-home pay. It includes the money you earn after you account for taxes. 

If you are an employee, it may be as easy as looking at your paycheck to determine your salary. But if you are an independent contractor or business owner, it can be more difficult to nail down your take-home pay and monthly income.

The IRS offers a free tool to help you determine how much you should expect to withhold for taxes. But if you run into questions, it is a good idea to talk to a tax professional to help you determine exactly what your take-home pay is.

Step 2: Allocate to your financial goals first

Once you determine your take-home pay, it is time to allocate 60% of the funds to your financial goals. The best part is that your financial or savings goals will be entirely unique to your situation. You may decide to build an emergency fund, start investing, or pay off debt from credit cards or student loans.

Before you take any action, take some time to find and choose examples of financial goals that align with your future.

Perhaps you want to start investing. That’s a great step! But you should consider what your long-term goals are to ensure you make investments that will work for you.

As an example, one of my major savings goals is retirement. Let’s suppose I need to save $1,000,000 to reach my goal. Based on my current income and this budget, it might take about 20 years to reach this number.

But now I have a financial goal with a number, a time limit, and a long-term plan.

In addition, I should determine what investments will be best for my retirement goal in 20 to 30 years.

Step 3: Take care of your needs

Next, you will use 30% to cover your needs. Necessities encompass the essentials of life. Some examples include housing, utilities, food, groceries, transportation, and healthcare.

You may need to shop around to build a lifestyle that fits within 30% of your income.

For example, you might decide to drive an older car or choose to cook at home more to save money. In addition, you may get a roommate in order to reduce your house payment.

Step 4: Spend the last 10% on things you want

Last but not least, the remaining 10% of funds is to be spent on things that you want.

Whether you want to take a lavish vacation or upgrade your simple wardrobe to a more extravagant one, you’ll know what your spending limits are.

Don’t be tempted to skip spending on the things you want. It is important to treat yourself to the things that matter to you. Otherwise, it can be easier to let the entire budgeting plan fall apart.

Expert tip: Focus on having specific savings goals

Since you aren’t going to be spending as much money with this budget, it’s important that your savings goals feel very worthwhile to you. They need to be specific to your situation and also things that are very fun or interesting.

For instance, I really value being a home owner, so saving a down payment will be worthwhile.
Or perhaps you want to travel the world for a year and save a lot for retirement.

No matter what, make sure your goals are important to you. Also, be sure to use vision boards or create mini goals in order to stay focused.

What to avoid with this budget

There are several things you should avoid including being caught unaware by unexpected expenses. Since the percentage for necessities with this budget is low, there isn’t much room for error. Beware of increases in necessities like housing costs or groceries due to how inflation affects a household, etc.

Another thing to remember is not to confuse or mxi up your categories, like what is essential and what is extra non-essential spending. Remember your percentages and keep spending in check!

Last, don’t take on extra credit card debt, as it can be too much to handle. I find that not increasing my debt burden helps me to pay things off in a timely manner and can make this budget work long-term.

How does the 60/30/10 budget differ from the 50/30/20?

The difference between the 60/30/10 budget and the 50/30/20 budget are the percentages. The 50/30/20 budget was created by Elizabeth Warren and her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi. The idea is that 50% of your income pays for expenses and needs, 30% is for wants, and 20% is for savings.

The 50/30/20 budget is easier to achieve for many people because it is less extreme. With this approach, you save 20% of your income instead of 60%.

However, many people now believe saving more is better, especially with the rising cost of living. So it’s really up to you what percentage you feel is best to save or invest. You may lean more towards a higher saving percentage, or you might choose to spend more on living expenses, depending on your unique situation.

Is the 60/30/10 budget right for me?

The rule is an enticing choice for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. Before you jump in, take a minute to be realistic about your current income. If you have a lower income, this plan might be too extreme at first.

Ultimately, this budgeting strategy is possible for everyone. However, you may need to consider increasing your income through a unique side hustle. Or making major cuts to your spending on big-ticket items like housing and food.

Of course, there are many other types of percentage budgets that you can try first if needed to get in the groove of saving.

For instance, the 70-20-10 budget, 30-30-30-10 rule, 50/30/20 budget, or the 80/20 rule are great budgets to start with.

If these don’t suit you, you could move back to the 60 30 10 rule budget! The main thing to remember is to pay yourself first so you are sure you save money before spending it.

What is a 60/30/10 rule example?

Let’s look at a couple of actual monthly budgets using this system. Suppose my monthly income is a net pay of $5,000. Next, I’ll divide it into categories. 60% of $5,000 is $3,000, 30% is $1,500, and 10% is $500.

In this scenario, I could save $3,000 for a down payment and an emergency fund. I would pay my bills with $1,500, including rent, groceries, and insurance. Then, $500 would be mine to use as I like.

For example, I might go to the movies or go on a weekend getaway.

You can see how this type of budget works better if you have a larger income.

For instance, let’s say the budgeter has a take-home pay of $12,000 per month. That gives much more money to pay bills and more to save. You would save $7,200 (60%), use $3,600 (30%) for necessities, and use $1,200 (10%) for fun.

Even with a high income, this rule is best used when you have big savings goals and your necessary expenses are quite low.

If you enjoyed learning about this budget and how to apply it to your finances, check out these other posts next!

Save more money with the 60/30/10 budget!

The 60 30 10 budget could help to transform your finances. You’ll significantly accelerate your progress toward long-term financial goals. But you may need to spend some time boosting your income through multiple sources of income to make this budget a comfortable reality.

If you need some help creating a budget that works for you, then take advantage of our completely free budgeting course. You’ll find helpful guidance for setting up a budget that fits your goals and finances! For more fantastic financial tips, join the Clever Girls Know podcast and YouTube channel!

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