What Are the Social Security Trust Funds?

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The Social Security Trust Funds are financial reserves established to support the Social Security program in the United States. They comprise two separate funds: the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund. These funds are designed to ensure the payment of retirement, survivor and disability benefits to millions of Americans. Each year, the funds receive tax revenues and pay out benefits, with any excess income invested in special U.S. Treasury securities to earn interest.

Taxes can take a bite out of your retirement income. A financial advisor can help you create a retirement plan to maximize your benefit and lower your liability.

How the Social Security Trust Funds Work

The Social Security Trust Funds are primarily funded through payroll taxes collected under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and the Self-Employed Contributions Act (SECA). Employees and employers each contribute 6.2% of wages, up to a certain income limit, while self-employed individuals pay 12.4%. These contributions are then allocated to the respective trust funds. Additionally, the funds earn interest from special Treasury securities, which help to sustain their solvency over time.

The operation of the Social Security Trust Funds revolves around a pay-as-you-go system. Current workers’ payroll taxes are used to pay benefits to current retirees and other beneficiaries. This system ensures a continuous flow of funds, although it also means the solvency of the funds depends on the balance between incoming payroll taxes and outgoing benefit payments. The trust funds are managed by the Department of the Treasury, which oversees the investment and disbursement of funds.

One of the primary roles of the Social Security Trust Funds is to ensure sufficient reserves to cover benefit payments, even when current payroll tax revenues are not enough. In years when tax revenues exceed benefit payments, the surplus is invested in interest-bearing Treasury securities. Conversely, when benefit payments exceed tax revenues, the trust funds redeem these securities to cover the shortfall. This mechanism is designed to provide a buffer against economic fluctuations and demographic shifts.

The Future of Social Security

A senior calling up about her Social Security benefits.

The future of Social Security has become a pressing concern for many Americans as recent projections shed light on the program’s sustainability. According to the 2023 Social Security Trustees Report, the trust fund reserves, which currently cover the gap between taxes collected and benefits paid, are projected to be depleted by 2033 if no changes are made. This scenario raises the question: Is there really a Social Security trust fund capable of securing long-term benefits?

The 2024 projections highlight the urgency of addressing Social Security’s financial health. The program is primarily funded through payroll taxes, but demographic shifts, including an aging population and lower birth rates, have strained the system. As more people retire and fewer workers contribute to the fund, the balance has begun to tip unfavorably. If the trust fund reserves run out as projected, Social Security will only be able to pay about 79% of scheduled benefits from ongoing tax income.

Several strategies have been proposed to extend the longevity of Social Security. One obvious approach is to gradually increase the payroll tax rate. Currently, employees and employers each pay 6.2% of wages into the system. Raising this rate by a few percentage points could significantly bolster the trust fund. Another widely discussed option is to raise the full retirement age. By encouraging people to work longer, the system would benefit from additional contributions while delaying benefit payouts.

Adjusting the benefit formulas is another proposed solution. This could include altering the way initial benefits are calculated or changing the cost-of-living adjustments (COLA). By tweaking these formulas, the system can save money over the long term without drastically reducing benefits for future retirees. For example, switching to a more conservative COLA measure, such as the chained CPI, could slow the growth of benefits, extending the trust fund’s life.

Raising or eliminating the cap on taxable earnings is another strategy to consider. In 2024, only the first $168,600 of earnings are subject to Social Security taxes. This means a worker making $200,000 pays as much as someone making $200 million. By increasing this cap or removing it entirely, higher-income earners would contribute more to the system, therefore enhancing its financial stability.

In addition to reforming the system, there is a growing emphasis on encouraging personal savings for retirement. While Social Security provides a foundation, it was never intended to be the sole source of retirement income. Financial advisors often recommend diversifying retirement savings through IRAs, 401(k)s, and other investment vehicles to complement Social Security benefits.

Social Security Trust Fund FAQs

How Much Is the Social Security Trust Funds’ Shortfall Expected to Be in 2024?

The financial health of the Social Security Trust Fund has been a topic of intense scrutiny. The Social Security Trustees project that the combined OASI and DI trust funds will face a shortfall. Specifically, the gap between the fund’s income and its obligations was $41.4 billion in 2023, which was 1.13% of taxable payroll. Projections also indicate that annual deficits will go up from 1.68 percent of taxable payroll in 2024 to 5.08 percent in 2080, and then fall slightly to 4.64 percent by 2098.

Will Medicare Benefits Also Be Depleted?

Concerns about the depletion of social security funds often extend to Medicare. While the Social Security Trust Fund and Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund are separate entities, both face financial challenges. According to the 2024 Medicare Trustees Report, the HI Trust Fund is projected to be depleted by 2036 if no changes are made. This depletion would mean that incoming revenue would only be able to cover about 89% of Medicare Part A expenses. Therefore, significant reforms are necessary to maintain full benefits for future beneficiaries.

Bottom Line

A senior calculating his Social Security benefits.

The Social Security Trust Funds really are essential components of the U.S. Social Security system. These funds operate differently than what many people might think. They are not physical accounts with cash reserves but rather bookkeeping accounts holding special-issue government securities. This structure means the funds are backed by the government’s promise to repay them, which ensures benefits can be paid to retirees, survivors and disabled individuals.

Tips for Retirement Planning

  • A financial advisor can help you create a retirement plan to reach your goals. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • If you’re thinking about relocating after you hang up your hat, here’s a round up of the most tax-friendly states for retirees.

Photo credit: © iStock.com/AzmanJaka, © iStock.com/yavdat, © iStock.com/ljubaphoto

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